🌟 Join Us for the Marin Green Home Tour! 🏡🌿

🗓️ Mark your calendars for 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 26th! 🗓️

Looking to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future while saving on costs? 🌍 The second annual virtual Marin County Green Home Tour is your chance to explore what sustainable-minded neighbors are doing to combat climate change.

🌟 Join Us for the Marin Green Home Tour! 🏡🌿

🗓️ Mark your calendars for 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 26th! 🗓️

Looking to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future while saving on costs? 🌍 The second annual virtual Marin County Green Home Tour is your chance to explore what sustainable-minded neighbors are doing to combat climate change.

Discover innovative clean energy solutions, water conservation practices, and climate resiliency enhancements in six local homes.

Whether it's major remodels, gradual retrofits, or budget-friendly DIY solutions, this tour has something for everyone, including renters and landlords. Expert insights, resources, rebates, and incentives will be shared to support your climate-friendly home improvements. 🏡💚

Discover innovative clean energy solutions, water conservation practices, and climate resiliency enhancements in six local homes. Whether it's major remodels, gradual retrofits, or budget-friendly DIY solutions, this tour has something for everyone, including renters and landlords. Expert insights, resources, rebates, and incentives will be shared to support your climate-friendly home improvements. 🏡💚

Last year, nearly 500 people tuned in, and over 1,000 watched the recordings afterward. This year, the tour will be webcast and available on YouTube. Each 10-minute home tour will be followed by a live Q&A with homeowners and renters.

This virtual tour is brought to you by Sustainable Marin and is proudly sponsored by the Marin County Community Development Agency’s Sustainability Team, along with our valued partners. Join us on October 26th for an inspiring journey toward a greener future! Registration is open now for this free virtual event. Don't miss out! 🌏🏠

Climate Rapid Response Network Training Register Today

Monday, October 16 at 5 pm

Policies influence behavior. As we work to green our lifestyle choices, your local policies can cast a wider net that can snowball outward. Learn how to introduce and win policy initiatives in your town. Our featured Speaker, David Moller, has successfully passed policies throughout Marin County to require all electric new construction. Find out how he did it and how you can do the same with other policies. Learn how to build your team, create relationships and win!

Our Chapters

🌿 Sustainable Mill Valley : The Latest Update 🌍

Discover innovative clean energy solutions, water conservation practices, and climate resiliency enhancements in six local homes.

Whether it's major remodels, gradual retrofits, or budget-friendly DIY solutions, this tour has something for everyone, including renters and landlords. Expert insights, resources, rebates, and incentives will be shared to support your climate-friendly home improvements. 🏡💚

Discover innovative clean energy solutions, water conservation practices, and climate resiliency enhancements in six local homes. Whether it's major remodels, gradual retrofits, or budget-friendly DIY solutions, this tour has something for everyone, including renters and landlords. Expert insights, resources, rebates, and incentives will be shared to support your climate-friendly home improvements. 🏡💚

Last year, nearly 500 people tuned in, and over 1,000 watched the recordings afterward. This year, the tour will be webcast and available on YouTube. Each 10-minute home tour will be followed by a live Q&A with homeowners and renters.

This virtual tour is brought to you by Sustainable Marin and is proudly sponsored by the Marin County Community Development Agency’s Sustainability Team, along with our valued partners. Join us on October 26th for an inspiring journey toward a greener future! Registration is open now for this free virtual event. Don't miss out! 🌏🏠

Climate Rapid Response Network Training Register Today

Monday, October 16 at 5 pm

Policies influence behavior. As we work to green our lifestyle choices, your local policies can cast a wider net that can snowball outward. Learn how to introduce and win policy initiatives in your town. Our featured Speaker, David Moller, has successfully passed policies throughout Marin County to require all electric new construction. Find out how he did it and how you can do the same with other policies. Learn how to build your team, create relationships and win!

Our Chapters

🌿 Sustainable Mill Valley : The Latest Update 🌍

>Conservation & Reuse: We're collaborating with MMWD to prioritize conservation and reuse.

>Climate Action: Join us in advocating for change through Climate Advocacy, Active Mill Valley (bicycle advocacy), Zero Waste, and Water Stewardship.

>Welcome, Grace Ledwith: Meet our new Climate Action Coordinator, Grace Ledwith, and stay tuned for sustainable initiatives.

>Zero Waste Schools: Reusable Mill Valley supports a commercial kitchen at the middle school for replacing disposable foodware with reusables. We participated September 27 at the MV School District’s Community Update Public Forum.

>Conservation & Reuse: We're collaborating with MMWD to prioritize conservation and reuse.

>Climate Action: Join us in advocating for change through Climate Advocacy, Active Mill Valley (bicycle advocacy), Zero Waste, and Water Stewardship.

>Welcome, Grace Ledwith: Meet our new Climate Action Coordinator, Grace Ledwith, and stay tuned for sustainable initiatives.

>Zero Waste Schools: Reusable Mill Valley supports a commercial kitchen at the middle school for replacing disposable foodware with reusables. We participated September 27 at the MV School District’s Community Update Public Forum.

🌱Stay Connected with MarinCAN and Sustainable San Rafael! 📣

MarinCAN Monthly Newsletter Signup: Don't miss out on our latest updates. Sign up for the monthly MarinCAN newsletter here.

Sustainable San Rafael: Explore our activities and stay updated on events and actions at their website. Our website also features our most recent e.news and positions on major issues. Expect our next update later this week! 🌍📰 #Sustainability #StayInformed

🌱 Sustainable Novato: Upcoming Dates & Engagement! 🗓️

Don't miss our vital Sustainability Commission meetings on October 19 (Waste & Water) and November 16 (Adaptation & Sequestration), both starting at 6 pm at Novato City Hall. Plus, in October, we'll have community meetings in English and Spanish (dates TBA), and a December webinar (date TBA). Stay updated via e-notifications, selecting Climate Action Plan under Calendar and News. We're here for you—email us at [email protected] to connect. Shape a greener Novato! 🌍💬 #SustainableNovato #GetEngaged

🌱Stay Connected with MarinCAN and Sustainable San Rafael! 📣

MarinCAN Monthly Newsletter Signup: Don't miss out on our latest updates. Sign up for the monthly MarinCAN newsletter here.

Sustainable San Rafael: Explore our activities and stay updated on events and actions at their website. Our website also features our most recent e.news and positions on major issues. Expect our next update later this week! 🌍📰 #Sustainability #StayInformed

🌱 Sustainable Novato: Upcoming Dates & Engagement! 🗓️

Don't miss our vital Sustainability Commission meetings on October 19 (Waste & Water) and November 16 (Adaptation & Sequestration), both starting at 6 pm at Novato City Hall. Plus, in October, we'll have community meetings in English and Spanish (dates TBA), and a December webinar (date TBA). Stay updated via e-notifications, selecting Climate Action Plan under Calendar and News. We're here for you—email us at [email protected] to connect. Shape a greener Novato! 🌍💬 #SustainableNovato #GetEngaged

Sustainable Marin Projects

🌍 Party for a Cooler Planet: Join Us on October 21st! 🌍

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 21st, from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.

Join us at a breathtaking net-zero energy home in Novato's hills for an evening of sustainability and style.

Dress sustainably chic and reserve your spot here to experience eco-glamour, engaging conversations with sustainability experts, live entertainment, and indulge in delicious organic treats.

Your presence helps us build a greener future.

Make sure to attend this unforgettable event! 🎉🌿 #SustainabilityCelebration

Sustainable Marin Projects

🌍 Party for a Cooler Planet: Join Us on October 21st! 🌍

Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 21st, from 3:30 pm to 6 pm.

Join us at a breathtaking net-zero energy home in Novato's hills for an evening of sustainability and style.

Dress sustainably chic and reserve your spot here to experience eco-glamour, engaging conversations with sustainability experts, live entertainment, and indulge in delicious organic treats.

Your presence helps us build a greener future.

Make sure to attend this unforgettable event! 🎉🌿 #SustainabilityCelebration

🌟 Amazon Initiative - Victory for Sustainability! 📦

Today, we celebrate a monumental victory against Amazon's excessive packaging waste. Amazon now ships some orders without added packaging, and eco-friendly shipping is available at checkout. Our unwavering efforts, including a full-page letter to CEO Jeff Bezos, a petition, and direct contact with Amazon's Public Policy Group, made this possible.

Ten cities in Marin County endorsed our cause, petitioning Amazon's Board of Directors. Over twelve thousand residents supported our call for packaging reuse. Prominent Marin institutions and environmental groups joined our mission.

🌟 Amazon Initiative - Victory for Sustainability! 📦

Today, we celebrate a monumental victory against Amazon's excessive packaging waste. Amazon now ships some orders without added packaging, and eco-friendly shipping is available at checkout. Our unwavering efforts, including a full-page letter to CEO Jeff Bezos, a petition, and direct contact with Amazon's Public Policy Group, made this possible.

Ten cities in Marin County endorsed our cause, petitioning Amazon's Board of Directors. Over twelve thousand residents supported our call for packaging reuse. Prominent Marin institutions and environmental groups joined our mission.

In the August 18, 2023, issue of the WSJ, Amazon committed to reducing packaging waste, validating the importance of our cause.

To maintain progress:

>Specify no additional packaging for Amazon orders.

>Express dissatisfaction with Amazon's single-use packaging in customer surveys.

>Advocate for national legislation on reusable e-commerce packaging.

While eleven percent of orders now ship without added packaging, our work isn't done. Every discarded package contributes to environmental harm. Together, we drive lasting change. 🌏💚

Painted Bins

In its continued pursuit to keep food waste from the landfill, Painted Bins launched in Tiburon and Belvedere on September 17th. The launch event revealed 19 works of inspirational student art on new waste collection bins in downtown Tiburon and Belvedere Community Park. The art contains powerful messages about taking care of the earth and was created by students at Bel Aire Elementary, Del Mar Middle and Saint Hilary schools. Nearly 100 community members attended the event which featured student speakers sharing their thoughts and concerns about proper waste sorting, a recyclable art project and an art tour. Mill Valley Refuse projects that the new Painted Bins will divert approximately 4,200 pounds of food waste from the landfill each year.

Painted Bins is currently in discussions with other Marin cities to implement its collaborative approach to waste diversion. The organization unites stakeholders around the fight against food waste by working with cities to identify bin locations, local schools to create art, community organizations to co-sponsor events, and waste haulers to help execute the plan. To bring Painted Bins to your community, please visit the Painted Bins website www.PaintedBins.org.

In the August 18, 2023, issue of the WSJ, Amazon committed to reducing packaging waste, validating the importance of our cause.

To maintain progress:

>Specify no additional packaging for Amazon orders.

>Express dissatisfaction with Amazon's single-use packaging in customer surveys.

>Advocate for national legislation on reusable e-commerce packaging.

While eleven percent of orders now ship without added packaging, our work isn't done. Every discarded package contributes to environmental harm. Together, we drive lasting change. 🌏💚

Painted Bins

In its continued pursuit to keep food waste from the landfill, Painted Bins launched in Tiburon and Belvedere on September 17th. The launch event revealed 19 works of inspirational student art on new waste collection bins in downtown Tiburon and Belvedere Community Park. The art contains powerful messages about taking care of the earth and was created by students at Bel Aire Elementary, Del Mar Middle and Saint Hilary schools. Nearly 100 community members attended the event which featured student speakers sharing their thoughts and concerns about proper waste sorting, a recyclable art project and an art tour. Mill Valley Refuse projects that the new Painted Bins will divert approximately 4,200 pounds of food waste from the landfill each year.

Painted Bins is currently in discussions with other Marin cities to implement its collaborative approach to waste diversion. The organization unites stakeholders around the fight against food waste by working with cities to identify bin locations, local schools to create art, community organizations to co-sponsor events, and waste haulers to help execute the plan. To bring Painted Bins to your community, please visit the Painted Bins website www.PaintedBins.org.

Support Other Important Activities

🌿 ProjectAdapt.Earth - Embrace the Change! 🌍

In our rapidly changing climate, we're confronted with an important question: "Who do we want to be as the climate changes?" This question doesn't have a simple answer; it's an ongoing journey of reflection and adaptation.

Join us on October 15th, from 2-4 pm, at First Presbyterian Church, 72 Kensington Road, San Anselmo, for our transformative Adaptation Pilgrimage. Discover experiential stations designed to nurture your adaptability. Arrive a bit early for parking and to gather.

At 2 pm, we'll start with an opening reflection and essential instructions, concluding with a meaningful closing ceremony.

All ages and abilities are welcome. Let's explore adaptability's power in the face of climate change.

Learn More & RSVP: Adaptation Pilgrimage

⚡ Eco-Mobility Unleashed: Ride and Drive Clean! 🚴‍♂️🚗

The Ride and Drive Clean Initiative is a series of events promoting electric vehicles (EVs) and electric bikes (Ebikes).

These events urge citizens to opt for and change to electric forms of transportation.

Attendees will have the chance to learn from electric riders and drivers, helping them find the right EV or Ebike that aligns with their needs and preferences.

The event will be held in Fairfax and promises an exciting experience for those interested in sustainable transportation options. More Events (Oct 3-18): Four exciting events await from Oct 3 to 18. Details on our Events Page.

🌿 Claim Your FREE Green Energy and Water Saving Kit! 🌟

Ready to slash those energy and water bills? It's easy with our FREE Green House Call kit! Your kit includes energy-efficient bulbs, draft stoppers, faucet aerators, and more to boost savings.

Visit https://bit.ly/GHCInterest2023 to get started. Have questions? Call (510) 665-1501 ext. 300 for all the info you need.

Don't miss out on this chance to make your home greener while keeping your wallet happy! 🌎🌿1 Column

🚗 Ride Clean, Drive Green - Upcoming Events & Discounts! 🌿

Busy month ahead! Check out our upcoming events and exclusive discounts:

>MCE's Clean Air Day (Oct 4): Find us at MCE's Clean Air Day event on Oct 4, championing clean energy solutions.

>More Events (Oct 3-18): Four exciting events await from Oct 3 to 18. Details on our Events Page.

>Ebike Discount Campaign (All Fall): Ready to ride sustainably? Enjoy our fall-long Ebike discount with Rad Power Bikes.

>Coming Soon: EV Discount Campaign (Late Oct): Stay tuned for an upcoming EV Discount Campaign.

Discover all the info on our Events Page. Let's ride clean and drive green together! 🌿🚗 #GreenEvents #Sustainability

Support Other Important Activities

🌿 ProjectAdapt.Earth - Embrace the Change! 🌍

In our rapidly changing climate, we're confronted with an important question: "Who do we want to be as the climate changes?" This question doesn't have a simple answer; it's an ongoing journey of reflection and adaptation.

Join us on October 15th, from 2-4 pm, at First Presbyterian Church, 72 Kensington Road, San Anselmo, for our transformative Adaptation Pilgrimage. Discover experiential stations designed to nurture your adaptability. Arrive a bit early for parking and to gather.

At 2 pm, we'll start with an opening reflection and essential instructions, concluding with a meaningful closing ceremony.

All ages and abilities are welcome. Let's explore adaptability's power in the face of climate change.

Learn More & RSVP: Adaptation Pilgrimage

⚡ Eco-Mobility Unleashed: Ride and Drive Clean! 🚴‍♂️🚗

The Ride and Drive Clean Initiative is a series of events promoting electric vehicles (EVs) and electric bikes (Ebikes).

These events urge citizens to opt for and change to electric forms of transportation.

Attendees will have the chance to learn from electric riders and drivers, helping them find the right EV or Ebike that aligns with their needs and preferences.

The event will be held in Fairfax and promises an exciting experience for those interested in sustainable transportation options. More Events (Oct 3-18): Four exciting events await from Oct 3 to 18. Details on our Events Page.

🌿 Claim Your FREE Green Energy and Water Saving Kit! 🌟

Ready to slash those energy and water bills? It's easy with our FREE Green House Call kit! Your kit includes energy-efficient bulbs, draft stoppers, faucet aerators, and more to boost savings.

Visit https://bit.ly/GHCInterest2023 to get started. Have questions? Call (510) 665-1501 ext. 300 for all the info you need.

Don't miss out on this chance to make your home greener while keeping your wallet happy! 🌎🌿1 Column

🚗 Ride Clean, Drive Green - Upcoming Events & Discounts! 🌿

Busy month ahead! Check out our upcoming events and exclusive discounts:

>MCE's Clean Air Day (Oct 4): Find us at MCE's Clean Air Day event on Oct 4, championing clean energy solutions.

>More Events (Oct 3-18): Four exciting events await from Oct 3 to 18. Details on our Events Page.

>Ebike Discount Campaign (All Fall): Ready to ride sustainably? Enjoy our fall-long Ebike discount with Rad Power Bikes.

>Coming Soon: EV Discount Campaign (Late Oct): Stay tuned for an upcoming EV Discount Campaign.

Discover all the info on our Events Page. Let's ride clean and drive green together! 🌿🚗 #GreenEvents #Sustainability



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