The Climate Rapid Response Network (CRRN) is a network of community leaders and volunteers who are interested in participating in climate policy initiatives in their towns. We are establishing teams for each town and the unincorporated areas of Marin to work for selected policy initiatives that are being coordinated throughout the county.

Your engagement could be as simple as writing an email to your elected representative, showing up at a hearing, coordinating communications with your team or introducing policy experts to your town staff and elected officials.


The Climate Rapid Response Network (CRRN) is a network of community leaders and volunteers who are interested in participating in climate policy initiatives in their towns. We are establishing teams for each town and the unincorporated areas of Marin to work for selected policy initiatives that are being coordinated throughout the county.

Your engagement could be as simple as writing an email to your elected representative, showing up at a hearing, coordinating communications with your team or introducing policy experts to your town staff and elected officials.

Photo by Peter Oppenheimer

Sustainable Marin also acts as the fiscal agent to several

impactful, diverse and imaginative projects.

Sustainable Marin also acts as the fiscal agent to several

impactful, diverse and imaginative projects.


Resilient Neighborhoods offers free online climate action workshops to residents of Marin County. The 5-meeting series brings people together and empowers them to reduce their household carbon emissions and create communities resilient to the impacts of climate change. The workshops offer a range of actions to choose from and are ideal for anyone who is concerned about climate change and wants to do something about it. These popular free workshops are offered year-round.


Resilient Neighborhoods offers free online climate action workshops to residents of Marin County. The 5-meeting series brings people together and empowers them to reduce their household carbon emissions and create communities resilient to the impacts of climate change. The workshops offer a range of actions to choose from and are ideal for anyone who is concerned about climate change and wants to do something about it. These popular free workshops are offered year-round.


>2,000 graduates from our climate action program taking over 30,000 climate and resilience actions..

>Annual reduction of more than 11 million pounds of CO2 emissions.

>Resilient Neighborhoods as a key initiative to help meet the residential climate goals outlined in Marin local government’s climate action plans.

>"CPR for the Planet" Campaign - endorsed project of MarinCAN, the County’s mobilization effort to reach CO2 neutrality by 2045.


“I feel much more hopeful and empowered in being able to make significant changes in the short and long term that can hopefully, ultimately give us a healthy, vibrant earth for years and years to come!"

Megan Vinson, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate- 2022

“Resilient Neighborhood has been very informative and inspiring, action-oriented, fun-loving and positive, along with being well organized and very thorough. Excellent facilitative process."

Robert Moorehead, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate- 2022

“ I have to say I’m very proud of what we have committed to. I’ve had lots of good intentions in the past but [the Resilient Neighborhoods] program is what is getting me to take action.

Rebecca Wood, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate- 2021


>2,000 graduates from our climate action program taking over 30,000 climate and resilience actions..

>Annual reduction of more than 11 million pounds of CO2 emissions.

>Resilient Neighborhoods as a key initiative to help meet the residential climate goals outlined in Marin local government’s climate action plans.

>"CPR for the Planet" Campaign - endorsed project of MarinCAN, the County’s mobilization effort to reach CO2 neutrality by 2045.


“Resilient Neighborhood has been very informative and inspiring, action-oriented, fun-loving and positive, along with being well organized and very thorough. Excellent facilitative process."

Robert Moorehead, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate- 2022

“I feel much more hopeful and empowered in being able to make significant changes in the short and long term that can hopefully, ultimately give us a healthy, vibrant earth for years and years to come!"

Megan Vinson, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate- 2022

“ I have to say I’m very proud of what we have committed to. I’ve had lots of good intentions in the past but [the Resilient Neighborhoods] program is what is getting me to take action.

Rebecca Wood, Resilient Neighborhoods Graduate Divider- 2021


Painted Bins helps reduce food waste in public areas with food scrap receptacles with school children's artwork that tell a story about the benefits of composting.

In addition to the education provided by the messaging, QR codes provide access to information about composting, food waste and global warming.


>The Town of Corte Madera is placing 8 Painted Bins in Town Park in early 2023 with posters of local school children’s art on the bins, prompting why it is important to compost.

>Promoted the Painted Bins poster contest with a 3rd grade and 4th classes at Corte Madera’s Neil Cummins Elementary School. An independent jury selected the 16 winning posters from 63 posters about the importance of composting.

>The first Painted Bins Art Show was held at Corte Madera’s Town Center for 3 days over the 2022 Memorial Day weekend. Over 200 visitors stopped by to see the art and learn about composting.

>Painted Bins is working with six 9th grade students in the Marin School of Environmental Leadership program at Terra Linda High School.


“We are thrilled to bring Painted Bins to Corte Madera, and appreciate their partnership in helping Corte Madera meet its commitments on sustainability and waste diversion."

— City of Corte Madera:

Eli Beckman

Corte Madera Council Member

“With food composting becoming adopted throughout California, the Painted Bins Program is targeting an overlooked aspect of those regulations, parks and public areas. Adding composting in parks, the potential to divert that food waste material away from the landfill will help California achieve their goals of reducing organic waste disposal by 75% by the year 2025."

— Hauler: Dave Biggio, Mill Valley Refuse Owner

“Kathy has put together a wonderful project that includes inspiring children in environmental stewardship, art and beautifying our local parks. We are happy to support this project and the collaboration between the City of Corte Madera and Mill Valley Refuse. This project also blends perfectly with Zero Waste Marin’s Zero Waste Schools Program.”

— Zero Waste Marin: Casey Poldino

Senior Planner


Painted Bins helps reduce food waste in public areas with food scrap receptacles with school children's artwork that tell a story about the benefits of composting.

In addition to the education provided by the messaging, QR codes provide access to information about composting, food waste and global warming.


>The Town of Corte Madera is placing 8 Painted Bins in Town Park in early 2023 with posters of local school children’s art on the bins, prompting why it is important to compost.

>Promoted the Painted Bins poster contest with a 3rd grade and 4th classes at Corte Madera’s Neil Cummins Elementary School. An independent jury selected the 16 winning posters from 63 posters about the importance of composting.

>The first Painted Bins Art Show was held at Corte Madera’s Town Center for 3 days over the 2022 Memorial Day weekend. Over 200 visitors stopped by to see the art and learn about composting.

>Painted Bins is working with six 9th grade students in the Marin School of Environmental Leadership program at Terra Linda High School.


“We are thrilled to bring Painted Bins to Corte Madera, and appreciate their partnership in helping Corte Madera meet its commitments on sustainability and waste diversion."

— City of Corte Madera:

Eli Beckman

Corte Madera Councilmember

“With food composting becoming adopted throughout California, the Painted Bins Program is targeting an overlooked aspect of those regulations, parks and public areas. Adding composting in parks, the potential to divert that food waste material away from the landfill will help California achieve their goals of reducing organic waste disposal by 75% by the year 2025."

— Hauler:

Dave Biggio,

Mill Valley Refuse Owner

“Kathy has put together a wonderful project that includes inspiring children in environmental stewardship, art and beautifying our local parks. We are happy to support this project and the collaboration between the City of Corte Madera and Mill Valley Refuse. This project also blends perfectly with Zero Waste Marin’s Zero Waste Schools Program.”

— Zero Waste Marin:

Casey Poldino

Senior Planner


Green Change is a climate action network serving thousands of people in Marin, the Bay Area and beyond. We help each other live sustainably, grow a community of engaged citizens and support environmental groups. Our nonprofit group offers a wide range of events, online content and community services to help diverse communities fight climate change, in collaboration with our partners.

Green Change invites community members to take individual and collective actions and we support over a hundred environmental, educational and community partners, promoting their work and giving them a platform to connect with a wider community.

To learn more, visit, sign up for our events, and subscribe to our newsletter.


>Earth 2050 a free environmental festival in Mill Valley engaged 1,200 people in fun activities, art, music, talks, with 50+ booths about climate action hosted by community partners in April 2022.

>Green Change Meetups - free Zoom meetups feature expert speakers to help Marin and Bay Area residents go green and fight climate change, by taking a wide range of climate actions in their own lives.

> - Our website features original online content about climate action, such as action guides, green tips and an event calendar, promoting our partners and serving thousands of web visitors.


“Green Change meetups, presentations, and online guides are a huge asset to the community. The website has grown to be extremely helpful, and it is now my go-to place for consumer and event info."

Mark C., Marin County

“Passionate climate advocates who host good events and collaborate with other environmental groups to help take action on climate."

Cathy S., Marin County

“Huge fan! It’s interesting, informative, and a great place for community … Always impressed with the speakers, slides, and new ideas."

Krystal S., Tiburon

“Love the energy, leaders, quality of resources and info, focus on collaboration."

Rika G., Marin County


Green Change is a climate action network serving thousands of people in Marin, the Bay Area and beyond. We help each other live sustainably, grow a community of engaged citizens and support environmental groups. Our nonprofit group offers a wide range of events, online content and community services to help diverse communities fight climate change, in collaboration with our partners.

Green Change invites community members to take individual and collective actions and we support over a hundred environmental, educational and community partners, promoting their work and giving them a platform to connect with a wider community.

To learn more, visit, sign up for our events, and subscribe to our newsletter.


>Earth 2050 a free environmental festival in Mill Valley engaged 1,200 people in fun activities, art, music, talks, with 50+ booths about climate action hosted by community partners in April 2022.

>Green Change Meetups - free Zoom meetups feature expert speakers to help Marin and Bay Area residents go green and fight climate change, by taking a wide range of climate actions in their own lives.

> - Our website features original online content about climate action, such as action guides, green tips and an event calendar, promoting our partners and serving thousands of web visitors.


“Green Change meetups, presentations, and online guides are a huge asset to the community. The website has grown to be extremely helpful, and it is now my go-to place for consumer and event info."

Mark C., Marin County

“Passionate climate advocates who host good events and collaborate with other environmental groups to help take action on climate."

Cathy S., Marin County

“Huge fan! It’s interesting, informative, and a great place for community … Always impressed with the speakers, slides, and new ideas."

Krystal S., Tiburon

“Love the energy, leaders, quality of resources and info, focus on collaboration."

Rika G., Marin County


Green Home Tours is a partnership of local utilities, cities, towns, the County, and environmental groups promoting the many benefits of de-carbonizing our built environment.

In October 2022 it created a virtual tour that featured Marin County homes that exemplify creative and cost-effective energy and water efficiency solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve local resilience.

Links are available to resources, vendors, and sponsors so that participants can benefit from the experience of our local sustainable living trend-setters and leaders.


>490 people attended the inaugural presentation.

>Recruited over 35 businesses, cities, and other organizational partners.

>Created video footage of 10 homes with innovative and comprehensive innovations to save energy and water.

>Offers a variety of resources for home retrofits.


“Thank you and all who conceived of, organized, participated and produced this fabulous program. We watched every minute of both nights, and have already made three appointments with two of your sponsors to kick-start our action!"

“I am very concerned about the urgency of putting efforts out to combat global warming. This webinar is an important piece in getting the word out in a very concrete way, with things that we can do now. Thank you so much for all the work put into making it happen!!!

"Green Home Tours seems like a great way to encourage climate action, because it invites us to look at how some of our neighbors are going green. For example, I really enjoyed seeing how Pam and Catherine’s household addressed the same climate challenges that we face in our home. And I feel more motivated to add an electric heat pump space heater/cooler to our home because I saw it in theirs and they say it works well for them."


Green Home Tours is a partnership of local utilities, cities, towns, the County, and environmental groups promoting the many benefits of decarbonizing our built environment.

In October 2022 it created a virtual tour that featured Marin County homes that exemplify creative and cost-effective energy and water efficiency solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve local resilience.

Links are available to resources, vendors, and sponsors so that participants can benefit from the experience of our local sustainable living trend-setters and leaders.


>490 people attended the inaugural presentation.

>Recruited over 35 businesses, cities, and other organizational partners.

>Created video footage of 10 homes with innovative and comprehensive innovations to save energy and water.

>Offers a variety of resources for home retrofits.


“Thank you and all who conceived of, organized, participated and produced this fabulous program. We watched every minute of both nights, and have already made three appointments with two of your sponsors to kick-start our action!"

“I am very concerned about the urgency of putting efforts out to combat global warming. This webinar is an important piece in getting the word out in a very concrete way, with things that we can do now. Thank you so much for all the work put into making it happen!!!

"Green Home Tours seems like a great way to encourage climate action, because it invites us to look at how some of our neighbors are going green. For example, I really enjoyed seeing how Pam and Catherine’s household addressed the same climate challenges that we face in our home. And I feel more motivated to add an electric heat pump space heater/cooler to our home because I saw it in theirs and they say it works well for them."


Our Mission is to promote solutions to single-use waste, organize, and take action to move policy and inspire behavior change throughout Marin County.


Our Mission is to promote solutions to single-use waste, organize, and take action to move policy and inspire behavior change throughout Marin County.

In February 2018, a group of concerned citizens came together to address global warming by tackling plastic waste, which is directly linked to fossil fuel extraction and harms ecosystems, wildlife, and communities.

Single-use plastic foodware, especially prevalent in Marin County near the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, was a key target. We focused on enacting a County ordinance to shift away from single-use plastics.

By November 2023, Marin County adopted the "Reusable Foodware Ordinance," marking a major step toward change.


In February 2018, a group of concerned citizens came together to address global warming by tackling plastic waste, which is directly linked to fossil fuel extraction and harms ecosystems, wildlife, and communities. Single-use plastic foodware, especially prevalent in Marin County near the Pacific Ocean and San Francisco Bay, was a key target. We focused on enacting a County ordinance to shift away from single-use plastics. By November 2023, Marin County adopted the "Reusable Foodware Ordinance," marking a major step toward change.


Reusable Foodware Ordinance

The Marin County Reusable Foodware Ordinance was adopted May 2023, enforcement started November 2023. Check out the link below for all the details.

Reusable/Return Services

Replacing single-use foodware with durable, reusable alternatives is crucial to preventing environmental issues like waste, litter, and greenhouse gas emissions that disposables contribute to.

To date we have organized and managed a successful pilot with UseFull at Good Earth Markets, launched the Okapi system at Golden Gate Market in Sausalito and worked to get Dispatch Goods started in Mill Valley.

We are now focused on building on these experiences moving toward a wider implementation town by town throughout Marin.

School Programs

We are proud to support and advocate for Sustainable Marin Schools and Ahimsa, organizations dedicated to bringing healthy meals to schools, served on reusable foodware.

Their efforts and ours help to reduce single-use waste while promoting healthier students and a more sustainable future.


Reusable Foodware Ordinance

The Marin County Reusable Foodware Ordinance was adopted May 2023, enforcement started November 2023. Check out the link below for all the details.

Reusable/Return Services

Replacing single-use foodware with durable, reusable alternatives is crucial to preventing environmental issues like waste, litter, and greenhouse gas emissions that disposables contribute to.

To date we have organized and managed a successful pilot with UseFull at Good Earth Markets, launched the Okapi system at Golden Gate Market in Sausalito and worked to get Dispatch Goods started in Mill Valley.

We are now focused on building on these experiences moving toward a wider implementation town by town throughout Marin.

School Programs

We are proud to support and advocate for Sustainable Marin Schools and Ahimsa, organizations dedicated to bringing healthy meals to schools, served on reusable foodware.

Their efforts and ours help to reduce single-use waste while promoting healthier students and a more sustainable future.


DARK SKY WEST MARIN is a collaboration of fifteen communities committed to preserving the Dark Sky for all creatures in this unique, bio-diverse area. 

Our Goal is to preserve our awe-inspiring view of the Milky Way, reverse light pollution, and reduce the cost of fuel spent lighting up the sky.

We’ve established a talented 4-member core leadership group and over a dozen expert advisors.

Our education program and website have attracted more than 600 supporters. 

Your support for DSWM facilitates our advocacy and educational efforts, out neighbor-to-neighbor interventions, and collaborations with local, national, and international officials.

DARKSKY WEST MARIN is a collaboration of fifteen communities committed to preserving the Dark Sky for all creatures in this unique, biodiverse area. 

Our Goal is to preserve our awe-inspiring view of the Milky Way, reverse light pollution, and reduce the cost of fuel spent lighting up the sky.

We’ve established a talented 4-member core leadership group and over a dozen expert advisors.

Our education program and website have attracted more than 600 supporters. 

Your support for DSWM facilitates our advocacy and educational efforts, out neighbor-to-neighbor interventions, and collaborations with local, national, and international officials.


- Host an ongoing monthly stargazing class to educate and inspire children and adults since May 2021.

- Hosted three annual celebrations and three library classes. Represented DSWM in presentations at village and environmental group meetings.

- Worked with IDS, county, national, and local representatives to qualify West Marin as the first internationally recognized multi-village Dark Sky Community.

- Drafted a model lighting ordinance for Marin county.

- Conducted public and private lighting inventories.

- Tracked the condition of local birds and animals.


“I do think this is one of the most significant environmental problems of our time that almost nobody knows about,”

Dr, John Barentine, Arizona

“Our Dark Skies need to be valued, protected and seen as an important natural resource. Every single living creature needs the dark, even moths that spend their nights flying around a lightbulb that could be turned off.” – Laura Arndt, Point Reyes Station.

“It was one of the most phenomenal experiences I’ve ever had. I live in the East Bay where we don’t see stars like I did there. It was fabulous.”

Laurie Tolen, Concord to SF Chronicle

“What awed me the most was how clear the Milky Way was. You can’t see it where I live. It puts us back in touch with our prehistoric beginnings, the reverence of Earth and sky, and the connection between the two.”

- Heather Ireland, Placer County to SF Chronicle


- Host an ongoing monthly stargazing class to educate and inspire children and adults since May 2021.

- Hosted three annual celebrations and three library classes. Represented DSWM in presentations at village and environmental group meetings.

- Worked with IDS, county, national, and local representatives to qualify West Marin as the first internationally recognized multi-village Dark Sky Community.

- Drafted a model lighting ordinance for Marin county.

- Conducted public and private lighting inventories.

- Tracked the condition of local birds and animals.


“I do think this is one of the most significant environmental problems of our time that almost nobody knows about,”

Dr, John Barentine, Arizona

“Our Dark Skies need to be valued, protected and seen as an important natural resource. Every single living creature needs the dark, even moths that spend their nights flying around a lightbulb that could be turned off.” – Laura Arndt, Point Reyes Station.

“It was one of the most phenomenal experiences I’ve ever had. I live in the East Bay where we don’t see stars like I did there. It was fabulous.”

Laurie Tolen, Concord to SF Chronicle

“What awed me the most was how clear the Milky Way was. You can’t see it where I live. It puts us back in touch with our prehistoric beginnings, the reverence of Earth and sky, and the connection between the two.”

- Heather Ireland, Placer County to SF Chronicle


WTB-TAM’s mission is to champion sustainable mobility. This mission is advanced through the study and promotion of national and international best practices. 

WTB-TAM works to demonstrate that investment in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure is the optimal transportation solution and that integration of non-motorized transportation with transit is the cornerstone of a sustainable transportation system

WTB-TAM is a consensus-building organization that studies international best practices and educates diverse decision-making groups about sustainable mobility.

WTB-TAM acts as a liaison with local, federal and state governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, the public, organizational constituents, the business community and similar groups in foreign countries to promote integrated bicycle and pedestrian transportation.


WTB-TAM’s mission is to champion sustainable mobility. This mission is advanced through the study and promotion of national and international best practices. 

WTB-TAM works to demonstrate that investment in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure is the optimal transportation solution and that integration of non-motorized transportation with transit is the cornerstone of a sustainable transportation system.

WTB-TAM is a consensus-building organization that studies international best practices and educates diverse decision-making groups about sustainable mobility.

WTB-TAM acts as a liaison with local, federal and state governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, the public, organizational constituents, the business community and similar groups in foreign countries to promote integrated bicycle and pedestrian transportation.


"WTB-TAM brings a meaningful blend of vision, innovative design, and practical planning to active mobility projects in Marin, setting a high standard for excellence. Their commitment to creating sustainable, community-focused solutions is both inspiring and impactful. Their work transforms plans into progress, making communities safer, greener, and more connected.”

Brian Colbert, Marin County Supervisor for District 2

  “WTB-TAM has been an incredible advocate for sustainable practices in our community, consistently driving innovative and multi-modal projects that inspire real change. Their dedication to environmental education and actionable solutions is unmatched. Their voice is essential to making meaningful and sustainable change in community building. Their collaborative approach with stakeholders including Sustainable Marin is a testament to their commitment for equitable and lasting impact. I wholeheartedly support their mission and efforts to create a more sustainable future for all.”

Rafat Raie, Principal at Advanced Mobility Group and Former Assistant Director of Public Works, City of San Rafael


"WTB-TAM brings a meaningful blend of vision, innovative design, and practical planning to active mobility projects in Marin, setting a high standard for excellence. Their commitment to creating sustainable, community-focused solutions is both inspiring and impactful. Their work transforms plans into progress, making communities safer, greener, and more connected.”

Brian Colbert, Marin County Supervisor for District 2

  “WTB-TAM has been an incredible advocate for sustainable practices in our community, consistently driving innovative and multi-modal projects that inspire real change. Their dedication to environmental education and actionable solutions is unmatched. Their voice is essential to making meaningful and sustainable change in community building. Their collaborative approach with stakeholders including Sustainable Marin is a testament to their commitment for equitable and lasting impact. I wholeheartedly support their mission and efforts to create a more sustainable future for all.”

Rafat Raie, Principal at Advanced Mobility Group and Former Assistant Director of Public Works, City of San Rafael


Time to Lead on Climate (TLC) is a coalition of Marin’s leading climate organizations who create major events and initiatives to stimulate, inform and promote positive action.

Starting over 10 years ago the TLC began organizing major events directly responsive to global, national or state climate crises and opportunities.

The events attract large numbers of people from Marin and elsewhere in the Bay Area and reinforce the extraordinary network of Marin organizations collaborating to combat climate change.


>Save Democracy and the Planet in partnership with Green Change – practical actions to help win the midterms.

>Getting to Paris Without Stopping in Washington in 2018, featuring Christiana Figueres, architect of the United National Paris Climate Agreement.

>Election 2016 – Tipping Point for Climate with Congressman Jared Huffman and others

Events may be viewed at


Time to Lead on Climate (TLC) is a coalition of Marin’s leading climate organizations who create major events and initiatives to stimulate, inform and promote positive action.

Starting over 10 years ago the TLC began organizing major events directly responsive to global, national or state climate crises and opportunities.

The events attract large numbers of people from Marin and elsewhere in the Bay Area and reinforce the extraordinary network of Marin organizations collaborating to combat climate change.


>Save Democracy and the Planet in partnership with Green Change – practical actions to help win the midterms.

>Getting to Paris Without Stopping in Washington in 2018, featuring Christiana Figueres, architect of the United National Paris Climate Agreement.

>Election 2016 – Tipping Point for Climate with Congressman Jared Huffman and others

Events may be viewed at



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EIN# 94-3308034

WEBSITE BY: guerilla PR



P.O. BOX 1822

ROSS, CA 94957

[email protected]


EIN# 94-3308034

WEBSITE BY: guerilla PR